A1 Vessel Automation System

PRODUCTS > Engine room alarm & monitoring system > A1 Vessel Automation System

A1 Vessel Automation System

All Wiz has developed a vessel automation system for medium sized and large vessels. The system is in full compliance with the major classification societies.

A1 can consist of the following functions

• Alarm, Monitoring & Control

• Watch Responsibility System

• Propulsion Monitoring & Control

• Power & Load Management System

• Integrated Radars / AIS


• Autopilot, Joystick, DP/DT

• Conning Display

• Communications - GMDSS

• Voyage Data Recorder / Black Box

• Fire Alarm & Detection System

• Load & Stability System

• Master Clock Function, Day, Twilight, Night Control

• Function Manager (Watch Dog)

• Reefer Monitoring System

• Process Automation

• Entertainment system


Benefits of A1

• Functional Integration

• Cable reduction

• Upgradeable

• Reduction of man power and spare parts

• Tailor made

• Easy to control and maintain

• Redundancy